All Levels Flow
A movement-oriented class based on simple yoga poses and the transitions between them. Options are given for beginners as well as more advanced students so that all students feel challenged in a manner that’s appropriate for their level. Breath and movement are linked to a moving meditation.
Ashtanga Mix
Ashtanga is a dynamic practice, involving interconnecting postures that create a sense of flow and movement between the static asanas of hatha yoga. Ashtanga yoga literally means “eight-limbed yoga,” as outlined by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. According to Patanjali, the path of internal purification for revealing the Universal Self consists of following eight spiritual practices. Learn about these 8 limbs by practicing with us at Urban! Ashtanga practices incorporate the gaze (drsti), the breath (pranayama) and the energy “locks” (bandha) to build a powerful discipline for cultivating physical, mental and spiritual health. The practice cleanses, stretches and strengthens the body as well as focuses and calms the mind. With consistent practice, we realize a deeper experience of the self.

Candlelight Flow to Zen
An evening class that slowly transitions from warm up and standing postures to seated and reclined yin and restorative poses, ensuring you find a balance between effort and ease as you settle into quiet stillness.
A slower paced class based on the foundational postures of yoga. Poses are broken down into components so you can understand the correct positioning for your unique body. Perfect for beginners as well as more advanced students seeking a better understanding of how each pose should feel in your body.

Kundalini Yoga (for all levels) allows students to de-stress, revitalize, and feel like they received some personal time during their day. The purpose of Kundalini Yoga is to provide a modality by which people can achieve their maximum potential, free themselves from ailments, and form a space for self-service. Kundalini Yoga uses sound (Mantra), Breath (Prana), and Postures (Asana).
Restorative & Sound Meditation
Through use of relaxing postures, restorative yoga reactivates the body’s natural rest system, restoring the body to health and the mind to a state of calm. Students can expect to linger in comfortable floor poses while exploring breath, alignment, meditation, and visualization. Props such as bolsters and blankets are used to create comfortable poses for all body types. This particular restorative class incorporates sound throughout class by using instruments such as live gong, crystal & tibetan bowls, and flute.

Slow Flow
A slower paced yet still moderately challenging class in which breath is linked with conscious movement from posture to posture creating a mindset of a moving meditation.
Sunrise Flow
An All Levels Flow that links breath and movement as you awaken the body and progress through moderately challenging sequences, with options given for beginners as well as more advanced students.

Urban Flow
A challenging, fast-paced, dynamic class in which movement and breath are linked as you progressively open the body to attain advanced postures including binds, balancing poses and inversions.
Yin yoga, as opposed to more yang styles of yoga including vinyasa, is an incredibly therapeutic form of yoga targeting the fascia through longer holds in seated and reclined stretches. The effect on the body is amplified by the use of sound healing instruments to induce a deeper state of relaxation and restoration.

Yoga Nidra
Yoga nidra translates to yoga sleep. While resting in savasana or another comfortable reclined position of y our choice, you’l be gently guided through intention setting, breath awareness, body scan, and emotional awareness intended to induce a meditative state of consciousness and complete relaxation in the body. Studies indicate this practice can ease insomnia, decrease anxiety, increase focus and transform negative habits and thoughts.